How managed IT services improve SMB cybersecurity

A data breach or ransomware attack can be very costly. You can lose not just hundreds of dollars but also the reputation you’ve built through the years. This is one of the many reasons why you need cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions that can protect your business against evolving cybersecurity threats. The good news? Even small- and […]

Understanding fileless malware

Though fileless malware has been around much longer, it only became a mainstream method of cyberattack in 2017. With fileless malware, cybercriminals are able to use legitimate tools and services, such as existing software, applications, and authorized protocols, to carry out malicious activities like unauthorized data retrieval or data damage. Left unchecked, these types of […]

The dangers of password autofill

Modern web browsers and password managers come with a feature called password autofill. This helps users store and automatically use their account credentials to access websites and other applications. While password autofill is convenient, it comes with security risks. Why password autofill is so dangerous Modern web browsers and password managers have a feature that […]

Is it a good idea to monitor your employees’ online activities?

In a world where the internet plays such a crucial role in any and all businesses, it can be hard to imagine a time when employers didn’t place as much emphasis on monitoring their workers’ online activities. Today, many managers and team leaders feel the need to keep an eye on what their employees do […]

Here’s what you should know about distributed spam distraction

Cybercriminals are always devising ways to attack both individuals and businesses inconspicuously. This helps them avoid detection, which buys them time to infiltrate a system and take hold of information they can leverage for a bigger attack. One way crooks do this is through distributed spam distraction (DSD) schemes. What is DSD? DSD is a […]

Printer security tips to prevent cyberattacks against your business

Business leaders invest a lot of time and resources into cybersecurity because they understand that protecting sensitive data is a necessity in the digital age. One business component that often gets overlooked are business printers. They are also vulnerable to cyberattacks, so make sure to follow these tips to ensure your company stays protected. What […]

Picking the right VPN for your business

Virtual private networks (VPNs) keep your online activities secure and private, which is especially useful if you’re using a public Wi-Fi network. But considering the variety of VPNs in the market today, it’s hard to find which one is the best for your business. Here are tips to help you make the right choice. What […]

A guide to implementing proactive cybersecurity measures

Running a business has always been a challenge, but the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape has made it even more so. Every day, newer, more sophisticated cyberthreats emerge, putting businesses at risk of significant data, productivity, and financial losses. Implementing a proactive cybersecurity strategy is an effective way to keep these threats at bay and ensure continuous […]

Surefire ways to protect your email account

If you think your email is safe from hackers, think again. A lack of sufficient email security protocols can lead to data theft, unauthorized access to sensitive information, and successful malware attacks. Here are some tips to secure your email account from cyberthreats and the many troubles that come with them. Use separate email accounts […]

Think your password is secure? Think again

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created many of the password best practices you probably loathe, including using a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. The NIST now says those guidelines were ill-advised and has changed its stance. Find out why and what this means for you. The problem The issue isn’t […]